Reimagine your business
how decentralized ecosystems will change business models
New business models
Imagine being able to transfer value or prevent contractual disputes over the Internet - without going through a third party. Confidently. Securely. Almost instantly. Blockchain-based technology will revolutionize business practices as we know them. Blockchain will change the way in which traditional digital services are provided across all public sectors, industries and services, globally. We help you implement Blockchain enabled services for startups, scale-up and established companies cooperating in a stakeholder ecosystem. The Blockchain developments are central in our model, linking all our services. We strive for deep knowledge and understanding of the application of Blockchain and the underlying technologies that move an industry.
Blockchain adoption
We aim at supporting corporations around the world to adopt blockchain related technologies in different vertical applications by using Blockchain as a Service infrastructure. It is our mission to drive adoption of blockchain application within different vertical industries. The emphasis lies on utilizing and contributing to existing solutions, standards and initiatives to ensure that industrial needs and requirements are optimally addressed in member products.
The industry is looking for greater transparency, a faster flow of data, faster flow of goods, streamlined operations and more efficiency. It needs all parties to share and entrust each other with more information. Those involved want to be confident that documents and certificates are legitimate and haven’t been tampered with.
Consumers want to know that the clothes they buy are genuine and not made by child labour. They want to know if they are eating beef or horse. They might even like to know where and when the fish was caught that is now in the fish pie in the supermarket freezer.
Enter the blockchain. Already established as the core component of the digital currency Bitcoin, the blockchain is capturing imaginations across industries. And it’s coming to catch you soon. What could be the impact? Best described as a virtual ledger, blockchains have massive potential, according to one port IT specialist. “Everyone in the supply chain should be watching this carefully. The Internet of Things is a massive disruptive technology, but blockchains go beyond that. The move from the Internet to blockchain is like looking at the move from Telex to the Internet.”
If we would like to benefit from the opportunities that this technology can bring us, we need to embrace it. In 2018, the book "Blockchange" was published placing the advent of Blockchain in today's society and how it will change business models. With original metaphors and a clear, cheerful way of writing, Redmer Huizinga and professor Arturo Bris discuss how blockchain could change our (economic) world and invite us to reflect about the approaching blockchain revolution. Click here to find out more about this book and how to order it.
Blockchain technology will disrupt existing business processes and business models. This introduces new business models and new ways of delivering services, which will in turn change our society as a whole. Blockchain at the core is a social innovation that gives individuals more freedom because they are less dependent on middle men, government and companies
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